Wednesday, April 09, 2008

dude, i love that you are all boy.For your birthday, you got a punching bag from grammy and p-pop. last night was a bad night for you because you had eaten cookies all day and really nothing else and the sugar was really getting to you. i had you go into your room with the punching bag and you started doing some ufc moves on the bag. i was so proud and i can't wait for the day you start turning those moves on your friends (ok, so may be i shouldn't teach you how to throw elbows and use your knees to hurt people, but it is a good stress reliever for the both of us). anyway, mom caught you the other day doing some more boy play with some sticks and you don't understand how much enjoyment we get out of watching you play like a boy and use your imagination like a boy. you are so wonderful and we love you so much. here are the pictures of you with the sticks. i love you man!!!